Safe, secure, transparent.
Own your AI.



Interview with EdgeRunner CEO, Tyler Saltsman

Dr. Gleb Tsipursky of CEOWORLD magazine recently interviewed our CEO, Tyler Saltsman, about how EdgeRunner is building domain-specific AI for the edge that is safe, secure, and transparent. A portion of the article is included below and you can read the full article on CEOWORLD magazine's website. AI is the Future of Cybersecurity October 10, 2024 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing cybersecurity across industries, bringing new capabilities and unprecedented potential for innov

Key Benefits.
Key Benefits.


Ensures your IP-rich private data remains safe, eliminating the need to use the cloud. This removes risk of data interception and security breaches.



Ensures your IP-rich private data remains safe, eliminating the need to use the cloud. This removes risk of data interception and security breaches.

Data Security

Data Security

Data never needs to leave your on-prem or on-device environment. The best data strategy is not moving your data.

Data Security

Data Security

Data never needs to leave your on-prem or on-device environment. The best data strategy is not moving your data.



Simplifies compliance with new and emerging laws and regulations, as AI safety has become a major focus for Congress.



Simplifies compliance with new and emerging laws and regulations, as AI safety has become a major focus for Congress.

Near Zero Latency

Near Zero Latency

With models running locally on-device at the Edge, we now have near zero latency and never need to "phone home."

Near Zero Latency

Near Zero Latency

With models running locally on-device at the Edge, we now have near zero latency and never need to "phone home."

Lower Costs

Lower Costs

Zero hosting costs, unlike using cloud services and third-party APIs.

Lower Costs

Lower Costs

Zero hosting costs, unlike using cloud services and third-party APIs.



Running on-device means you don't need to provide power and energy intensive resources in the cloud.



Running on-device means you don't need to provide power and energy intensive resources in the cloud.



Hardware and chip agnostic, can run anywhere on only 4GB of RAM.



Hardware and chip agnostic, can run anywhere on only 4GB of RAM.



Open, task-specific models are more effective at avoiding issues such as bias, data toxicity, and performance inconsistencies. It's important to understand “how the sausage is made” regarding AI safety.



Open, task-specific models are more effective at avoiding issues such as bias, data toxicity, and performance inconsistencies. It's important to understand “how the sausage is made” regarding AI safety.

Own your AI

Own your AI

Unlike proprietary models in the cloud and general Frontier models via 3rd-party APIs, you own your AI when you host it locally on-prem or on-device.

Own your AI

Own your AI

Unlike proprietary models in the cloud and general Frontier models via 3rd-party APIs, you own your AI when you host it locally on-prem or on-device.


EdgeRunner Athena

Your personalized, air-gapped Generative AI assistant for increased productivity and operational effectiveness

Our Vision.


Air-Gapped: We develop air-gapped Generative AI technology that runs without needed access to the cloud or internet, enhancing data privacy and security.

Small Language Models: We leverage Small Language Models (SLMs) that operate synergistically, transforming legacy unstructured data into relevant intelligence.

Ownership: We ensure users own their AI by running locally on-device or on-prem, protecting your sensitive IP and data.


Run your AI locally, securely, and sustainably.

Deploying AI at the edge for the defense and intelligence community can significantly enhance real-time analysis, decision-making, operational efficiency, and security, empowering defense personnel to operate more effectively in both combat and intelligence-gathering environments.
